Saturday, January 25, 2020
A Study On Scottish Smoking Ban Social Policy Essay
A Study On Scottish Smoking Ban Social Policy Essay When it comes to health and social policy, governments have the difficult task of balancing the desires and rights of individuals with the desires and rights of society as a whole. This is particularly evident in the recent smoking legislation in the Scotland. Current literature and opinion has much focused on the effect of smoking bans on the hospitality industry, and the cost to society of tobacco-related illnesses. This literature review examines the social policy considerations of the recent ban on smoking proposed by the Scottish Executive and currently under consideration. This review first considers the smoking ban bill and an overview of smoking restriction issues. It then deals with one smoker in particular, examining the effect of the proposed legislation on the complex care issues of a middle-aged cancer patient, and the balance between her right to choose her actions, even if self-destructive, and the rights of others in the hospital where she resides. Smoking is undeniably destructive to the smoker, and the Scottish government is considering action to restrict its use. Among other things, the Scottish Smoking, Health and Social Care Bill will prohibit smoking in wholly enclosed public places (Scottish Parliament 12-2004). It faces final vote in 2005, with implementation, if it passes, scheduled for 2006. Objectives listed in the bill include preventing people, including children, from being exposed to the effects of passive smoking in certain public areas and safeguarding the health of the people of Scotland from the effects of tobacco smoke (Scottish Parliament 2-2005). There is also hope for changing public attitudes towards smoking, preventing Scots from beginning to smoke, and assisting those smokers who want to quit in breaking the habit Scottish Parliament 2-2005). Similar legislation has recently been implemented in Ireland, Norway, and parts of the US with great success (BBC 2004). According to Irish Medical Organisation p resident James Reilly, in the almost one year Ireland has banned smoking in public, cigarette sales have dropped sixteen percent, demonstrating that more Irish are quitting or reducing smoking (Salvage 2005, 36). The need to reduce the destruction caused by smoking, therefore, is not limited to Scotland. Countries around the world have begun to address the tobacco situation, with over forty ratifying the WHOs Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO 2004). The FCTC just went into effect in February 2005, establishes packaging and labelling guidelines, addresses tobacco advertising, provides for regulation to prevent second hand smoke, and tightens efforts on tobacco smuggling (WHO 2004, WHO 2003). The Scottish legislation replaces the less than effective Scottish Voluntary Charter on Smoking in Public Places. Implemented in May 2000, as of 2005 only 61% of hospitality establishments had some type of non-smoking provision, demonstrating the Charters inadequacies (Anon 2005). Bill ONeil, Scottish Secretary of the British Medical Association, supports the bill, contending that each year we continue to rely on these half-hearted measures, Scots continue to suffer from passive smoke-related illnesses and significant numbers die (BBC 2004). Smoking is a profoundly destructive health and social issue. The World Health Organisation (2005) lists tobacco as the second major cause of death in the world, affecting one in ten adults worldwide. Half the people who smoke today, that is about 650 million people, will eventually be killed by tobacco (WHO 2005). The government contends, smoking is the main avoidable cause of early death in Britain, killing more than 120,000 people a year, even publishing a White Paper titled Smoking Kills (Gardiner 2004, DOH 1998). Scotlands Chief Medical Officer, Mac Armstrong states nicotine is twice as addictive as cocaine and that it takes sixteen years off the average smokers life (Johnson 2004, 8). Tobacco is also destructive to non-smokers. Smoking and exposure to passive smoke are the fourth most common risk factor for disease of any kind worldwide (WHO 2004). This risk extends to those who choose to smoke, and those who are exposed to others cigarettes, regardless of choice. The Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health (2005) concludes that exposure to second hand smoke, also called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a cause of lung cancer, heart disease, and asthma, and represents a substantial public health hazard. Jim Devine of Unison stated to continue to allow people to work in smoky environments is the 21st century equivalent of sending children up chimneys (BBC 2004). Studies find children regularly exposed to second hand cigarette smoke are more likely to develop asthma (Johnson 2004, 8). Mac Armstrong offers that due to passive smoking, between 1000 and 2000 lives are lost each year in Scotland (Johnson 2004, 8). Some smoking opponents question why it is legal at all, given its social cost and overall destructive impact on human life. Proponents of smoking argue that adequate ventilation would address much of the second hand smoke risk. However, workplaces with designated smoking areas have been shown to still expose smoke to workers (Leourardy and Kleiner 2000, 68). It also raises the question of who should pay for such ventilation. Tobacco already has staggering economic costs to society, typically claiming the lives of people at the ages when they are most productive and exponentially increasing health care costs (WHO 2005). The average smoker takes 25% more sick days than the average non-smoker (Johnson 2004, 8). These costs are passed on to all members of society, whether they choose to smoke or not, just like second hand smoke. Other typical arguments against smoking bans are economic. Tobacco companies and members of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association have argued that a full ban is unnecessary and not supported by the public (BBC 2004). Opponents of the smoking ban contend it will ruin business, cause unemployment, and take away peoples right to enjoy a cigarette with a drink in public (Johnson 2004, 8). Tobacco Manufacturers Association executive Tim Lord held that a study commissioned by the TMA showed 77% of Scots were opposed to a total smoking ban, particularly disfavouring the ban in clubs, pubs, and bars (BBC 2004). These results were not supported by independent studies, however. A policy memorandum produced for the Scottish Parliament found 70% of Scots in favour of smoking restrictions, with 59% of restaurant owners not expecting any negative impact from the legislation (Scottish Parliament 2-2004). More importantly, any economic impact of smoking restriction must be considered in light of t he tremendous cost of smoking to society. Not all opponents of smoking bans cite economic reasons. Salvage (2005, 36) contends, human rights and freedom of choice are two reasons put forward for [smoking] bans not going ahead. For example, opponents of bans cite the uproar of violation of human rights caused by the recent smoking ban in Liverpool. Health Minister Melanie Johnson stated the bill was incompatible with the Human Rights Act, because it extended smoking bans to private homes and prisons, required smokers to prove their innocence, effectively reversing the burden of proof, and extended the power of searches (Merrick 2005). MPs and peers ruled that it breached human rights laws, while a cross-party human rights committee found the smoking ban bill incompatible with the right to a private life, and possibly the right to a fair trail and the protection of property (Merrick 2005). These impositions on human rights, however, seem based on the bills reach beyond public places, and the manner with which that reach is exe cuted. It is unlikely that the legislation currently under consideration in Scotland will have similar flaws. Questions do arise of the National Health Services ability to enforce such legislation. Under the current bill, smoking policies would be enforced by environmental health officers, hired by local councils (Scottish Parliament 12-2004). It is questionable whether they will have the same effect as would police officers, particularly if trying to enforce no-smoking legislation in pubs and bars. As the patient considered here is confined to a hospital, enforcement is not an issue. Of greater concern regarding the National Health Service is whether it will be able to provide the necessary support for smokers who want to quit. Approximately one-third of smokers try to quit each year, but only three percent succeed (Lewis 2005). Kevin Lewis (2005), Clinical Director of Smoking Cessation of Shropshire, Telford, and Shrewsbury, believes, however, there is great potential for smoking cessation in primary care. If smoking bans are accomplish their objectives of reducing the number of smokers and amount they smoke, adequate resources must be available. The greatest success occurs when a motivated individual is provided with a combination of personal support and pharmacotherapy (nicotine replacement or bupropion), under the care of a trained medical professional, typically a nurse (Lewis 2005). As the government progresses with smoking legislation, preparation and funding for the NHS are imperative to the ultimate success of smoking restrictions. To provide some background on the specific case considered in this review, the female patient in reference is forty-three years of age. She began smoking at the age of fifteen, and smoked regularly throughout her life. This is not surprising, as 80% of smokers take up tobacco as children and teenagers (Johnson 2004, 8). The patient was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of forty, which has progressed with some rapidity; her cancer is now inoperable, untreatable, and terminal. She has recently suffered loss of mobility, in addition to general physical degeneration. Due to these complications, the patient now requires a wheelchair to travel even short distances, including going outside the hospital. She is unable to navigate the wheelchair to the common area outside the facility without assistance. The patient, however, continues to smoke, and the recent ban will make her unable to smoke in her room or a designated indoor area of the hospital. In addition, hospital staff is not allo wed to assist her in going outside for smoking purposes, per hospital policy. She must therefore wait for visitors to take her out. There are several factors of prominence in this particular case study. First, while the government has some (albeit debated) responsibly to protect its citizens from themselves, there are no grounds for the need to guard this woman from the effects of smoking (Lambert and Dibsdall 2002). She has irrevocably made the decision to smoke, and bears the consequences. It is unlikely that quitting smoking now will have a pronounced difference on the time she has remaining or on her prognosis. The government therefore has no right for intervention to protect her from the harms of tobacco. The debate then emerges between her human rights to decide her own behaviour and receive adequate care, her responsibility to society, the rights of hospital staff, patients, and visitors regarding second-hand smoke, and the mandate of the hospital to act in the best interest of the patients health and well-being. Advanced societies recognise the right of every human being to make choices regarding his or her behaviour and life, to the point these choices negatively impact others (Perry 1985, 568). The patient, as a part of a larger society, has a responsibility to the members of her community. She is affected by legislation that could save others, and her government does have a responsibility to encourage its citizens to make wise decisions. Smoking is certainly not a wise decision, as even tobacco companies and smoking ban opponents acknowledge its addictive nature and potential for impaired health (Anon 2005; Black, McKie and Allen 2003, 69). The patient undoubtedly recognises this, as she is dying due greatly to her choice to smoke. Certain laws are passed not because they are required for everyone, but because they are needed by most (Perry 1985, 574). For example, many people would drive at excessive speeds from time to time were it not for speed limits. While there are a few that could probably do so without accident, most need speed guidelines to drive safely. The major difference with smoking is the effect of tobacco smoke on those in the general area. Second-hand smoke, as discussed previously, has been shown to be almost as deadly as actually smoking, and it is often beyond the control of the non-smoker to limit smoking in his or her vicinity. Those commonly cited in this argument are wait staff in clubs and bars, but the same would apply to hospital staff required to clean a designated smoking area or move patients in and out of it (Aung et al 2001, 283; Cuthbert and Nickson 1999, 33). These workers are then faced with either exposing themselves to a potential carcinogen or giving up their jobs (Aung et al 2001, 280). As the patients rights extend only to the point they impact others, the government is therefore within its bounds to restrict her smoking in enclosed areas of the hospital. The question then presents itself, does the patient have the right to continue her destructive behaviour, and what is the hospitals mandate to prevent her injurious choices? J. David Velleman (1999), in writing about his own bout with cancer, discusses the rights of smokers in society. Instead of focusing on second hand smoke as the effect of smoking on non-smokers, he considers the relationship between the individual and society. He sees himself as my sons father, my wifes husband, my parents son, my brothers brother (Velleman 1999, 606). However, he comes to the conclusion that a person has a right to make his own life shorter in order to make it better, if he so chooses and however he defines better. Social organisations, like governments or hospitals, only have the right to intervene when the individual is incapable of rational decision (Velleman 1999, 613). While the patient therefore has the right to smoke, she does not have the right to expect assistance from the hospital. A hospital, as a medical facility, has a corporate responsibility to its patients to promote their healthy living (BBC 2005). Hospitals would not be expected to provide candy machines for uncontrolled diabetics or allow suicidal patients to keep sharp objects. The hospital has a responsibility to promote health (BBC 2005). While this patient may not be more harmed by continuing to smoke, providing assistance or a smoking area for her would require the hospital to do the same for all its patients, thereby assisting many in smoking which would damage their health. The visible issue is her mobility; if she were able to go outside unassisted, her smoking choice would not be limited. It is the combination of her damaging desire to smoke and her degenerative condition that create the quandary. The most feasible solution is to ask the patient to provide her own assistance to and from the outdoor smoking area. Since she is choosing destructive behaviour that the hospital cannot support, she must find a way to accomplish such behaviour. The government and the hospital in the above instance have the right to impose smoking restrictions on the patient for the good of society as a whole. Both organisations have a mandate to protect those in their community from risk to health, and smoking is most certainly a risk to health. Neither, however, has the right to prevent her from smoking. Therein lies the balance. In her situation, she must find or arrange for someone to help her in her choice to smoke. We as members of society can choose to pursue self-destructive behaviours, but society has no obligation to support us in their pursuit. REFERENCES Anon 2005. Second hand smoke: health risks. Scottish Executive Health website [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Aung, M. et al, 2001. An exploratory study of the smoking issue in restaurants. Management Decision, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 279-285. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. BBC 2004. Scotland smoking ban to go ahead. BBC news, Scotland [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. BBC 2005. The Hippocratic Oath. Nova online [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Black, M., McKie, L., Allen, E., 2003. A community development approach to tobacco control. Health Education, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 68-74. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Cuthbert, L., Nickson, D., 1999. Smoking in the restaurant industry: time for a ban? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 31-36. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. DOH 1998. Smoking Kills: a White Paper on tobacco. The Stationery Office, London. Gardiner, B., 2004. Scotland readies tough smoking ban, England may follow. Associated Press, Oban, Scotland, Nov. 15, 2004 [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Johnson, J., 2004. The Huff Puff CafÃÆ'Ã ©. The Sunday Herald, Fresh Section, December 5, 2004. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Lambert, N., Dibsdall, L.A., Frewer, L.J., 2002. Poor diet and smoking: the big killers. Comparing health education in two hazard domains. British Food Journal, vol. 104, no.1, pp. 63-75. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Leourardy, B., Kleiner, B., 2000. New developments concerning tobacco smoke in the workplace. Management Research News, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 67-70. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Lewis, K., 2005. Helping patients to quit smoking. The Practitioner, 8 March, 2005. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Malam., S., et al 2004. Workplace Smoking Policies in Scotland. Scottish Exectuive and NHS Health Scotland, research report [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Perry, T., 1985. Two Domains of Rights. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 45, no. 4, June 1985, pp. 567-580 [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Salvage, F., 2005. Smoking Cessation: Should it be banned? Chemist Druggist, March 5, 2005 [online]. Available at, accessed 19 March 2005. Scottish Parliament 2-2004. Prohibiltion of Smoking in Regulated Areas (Scotland) Bill. Policy Memorandum, introduced 3 February 2004 [online]. 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Friday, January 17, 2020
Review of Literature of Risk Analysis in Portfolio Management
REVIEW OF LITERATURE * Ananth N Madhavan (2003) once a fairly esoteric subject, risk analysis and measurement have become a critical function for both portfolio managers and traders. Yet accurate measurement and analysis of risk presents many practical challenges, including the choice of risk model, portfolio optimization pitfalls, horizon mismatches, and out-of-sample testing. This detailed overview of recent developments in risk analysis and modeling focuses on practical applications. While risk management tools can provide invaluable insights as to portfolio risk, they must be applied with considerable care. Risk analysis, as it stands today, is as much an art as a science. * Peter Brooke (2009) suggested thatà the easiest way to build a very diverse portfolio is via investment funds. The choice of funds is now enormous and nearly every asset class is covered by them. This means it is very easy and inexpensive to put several funds together and have a very broad spread. There are now some very good ââ¬Ëmulti asset' funds which provide exposure to all of these different classes in one professionally managed place. These multi asset managers may also be able to access some funds which are still not available to the retail investor, such as private equity. Peter Brooke is a financial planner to the English speaking expatriate community. This article (Portfolio Construction) was published in the July 2009 edition of Dockwalk magazine * Anita Bhoir, (2011)Portfolio construction& services offered by banks and brokerages to face heat ; MUMBAI : Regulators may put an end to discretionary portfolio management services offered by banks and brokerages after a series of frauds, including high-profile ones at City and Standard Chartered, said a person familiar with the thinking. You can read also Portfolio Management Quizzes RBI, SEBI and a sub-committee of the Financial Stability and Development Council are working on the proposed guidelines for portfolio management, said the person requesting anonymity. ââ¬Å"RBI is likely to ask banks to stop discretionary portfolio management,â⬠said the person. * RaghavanR. S, (2011) -Core and satellite portfolio construction& evaluation a popular investment method ; the seznsex has not been in the pink of health for a week now. The steep fall in the global indices and teetering economies have been weighing on the Indian quity market, which, in turn, has dented the value of equity portfolios. It's in times like these that the benefits of the core and satellite strategy towards investing become obvious. How it works the core and satellite portfolio management is a popular form of investment strategy with money managers and their clients. * ET Bureau, (2011), How to pick a portfolio construction ; evaluation scheme; Equity portfolio management schemes (PMS) are today quite attractive from the perspective of high net worth individuals (HNIs) or ultra HNIs. However, investor and distributor awareness of this product category is quite low and one must understand the benefits of using this mode for investing. Typically, the minimum application size in PMS products is rather high? With the minimum being Rs 10 lakh and some even having ticket sizes running into crore. Most equity PMS products could involve a slightly higher degree of risk as they are offered to investors who desire that extra bit of return.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem The Weary Blues Essay - 1299 Words
The Weary Blues is one of many Langston Hughesââ¬â¢s poetry during the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance is a time in American history, in the cities where African Americans were concentrated like Harlem, many master pieces of art, music and literature were created. Blues was much enjoyed during the period; people listened to it and loved it. In the poem of The Weary Blues, people alive through music, and the strong power of music supported the suffering of the black people in that time period. The poem describes the speaker listening to a musician plays blues in Harlem. Langston Hughes wrote The Weary Blues in free verse, he also used an irregular rhyme theme, thus the poem sounds like a piece of speech or music. The speaker also uses special dictions and repeats the lines of blues lyrics. Hence the tone of the poem is comparatively mournful with a tempo of blues, and as readers, we can reveal the state of mind of the musician. The musical style of blues is invented by African Americans. This genre of music expresses themes those are painful and miserable, blues songs are sing to express lost loves. According to the historians, blues is similar to the other genre of music called spirituals, which are sung by a group of people. But blues is usually sung by a single person, to emphasize the loneliness of the pain. Since Harlem Renaissance is characterized by dualism peculiar for the culture of the colored people, which is called the double consciousness. (Shaduri, 89)Show MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Poem The Weary Blues539 Words à |à 2 PagesPoem Analysis The Weary Blues This speaker gives a detailed description of listening to a blues musician in Harlem. This poem has a mournful tone and tempo of blues due to its diction, repetitive lines and inclusion of blues lyrics thus, giving the reader an appreciation of the state of mind of the blues musician in the poem. In the poem, the poet incorporates several literary devices to assist in upholding the theme and tone of the poem. The main theme in this poem is the importance of musicRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Jazz And Blues Langston Hughes s The Weary Blues 1521 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Characteristics of Jazz and Blues in Langston Hughesââ¬â¢s The Weary Blues While I was reading Langston Hughesââ¬â¢s poems, I have noticed his outstanding accomplishment in his blending creation of Negro musical characteristics and poetry. And The Weary Blues is his peaked piece of a combination of both jazz and blues. The poem reflected American Africanââ¬â¢s living situation during the Harlem Renaissance, it sufficiently revealed the cultural charm of Negros and Hughesââ¬â¢s fully affirms of his national dignityRead MoreLangston Hughes The Weary Blues Analysis1256 Words à |à 6 PagesOn Langston Hughesââ¬â¢s The Weary Blues Kevin Young, a graduate of Harvard University and one of the winners of the Guggenheim Fellowship, writes the historical perspective of Langston Hughes. He discusses the flowering of the African American literature and culture and how it is actually just the extension of the New Negro movement. From the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes is able to represent ââ¬Å"different thingsâ⬠for ââ¬Å"different men.â⬠The uprising of Hughesââ¬â¢s poems are the result of their hardshipsRead MoreReoccurring Themes in the Work of Langston Hughes Essay1649 Words à |à 7 Pagespeople who have the most reason to despair but show the least evidence of itâ⬠(Bloom, ââ¬Å"Thematic Analysis of the ââ¬ËWeary Bluesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ 14). He tells the story of their life and times to voice his displeasure with the oppression of blacks (ââ¬Å"Langston Hughesâ⬠792). His work opens the publicââ¬â¢s eye about what it is like to be black in America (ââ¬Å"Langston Hughesâ⠬ 792). In Hughesââ¬â¢ short poem ââ¬Å"Harlem,â⬠the speaker of the poem questions how the African American dream of equal opportunity is being constantly deferredRead MoreRhetorical Devices Of `` We Wear The Mask `` And `` Harlem ``885 Words à |à 4 Pagescentury. 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The idea of whether or not to pursue a dream is addressed in one of his poems where he asks ââ¬Å"What happens to a dream deferred?â⬠(Langston Hughes, Dreams Deferred). The style of writing in this poem takes the use of questions as a way to have the reader really ponder about a dream that is not pursued. In a sense, Hughes is trying to paint the picture that the dreams that people do notRead MoreJames Langston Hughes And Countee Cullen934 Words à |à 4 PagesAfrican-Americans living in the United State. These men had differences in their writing, but one mutual objective. James Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1, 1902. Hughes began writing poetry when he lived in Lincoln, Illinois. The Weary Blues was his first book of poetry and it was published in 1926. Hughes attended Columbia University and Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, which is where he finished his college education. Hughes first novel won the Harmon gold medal for literatureRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes s Poem I, Too978 Words à |à 4 Pagessecond-class citizens. Even with all the suffering Hughes found a positive side and managed to create inspiring poetry. In his poem ââ¬Å"I, Tooâ⬠he describes how domestic servants are treated by the owner when guests come to visit. Hughes uses this situation to create optimistic and patriotic poetry. Hughes views America as the land of freedom, equality and opportunity and he uses his poems to boost peoples pride and argue against racial injustice. Some critics mistake the simple form and language of Hughes
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Health And Sanitation Of Bible Readers - 1199 Words
Under a modern lens, the distinctions between clean and unclean animals in Leviticus 11 are recorded to ensure the health and sanitation of Bible readers, and are indicative of cautionary ancient dietary practices. This is reflected strongly in Naphtali Meshelââ¬â¢s article in The Princeton Theological Review, ââ¬Å"Food for Thought: Systems of Categorization in Leviticus 11.â⬠Here, Meshel examines the rationale behind the choosing of clean and unclean animals. He states that ââ¬Å"The status of a species as permitted or prohibited for consumption follows from its natural status as ââ¬Ëpureââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëimpure,ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ implying that creatures were marked in Leviticus based first on their natural traits. Pure animals, according to Meshel, were those who causedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Much of Clarkeââ¬â¢s belief in the distinction between clean and unclean animals centers around ââ¬Å"nutriment.â⬠Clarke believes that Godââ¬â¢s intent was t o endow his chosen people with the knowledge of the best creatures to eat. Creatures who ate wholesome food themselves, and digested well, providing good meat, were deemed clean. This ensured that the Jews would remain healthy and well nourished, fulfilling their promised health as Godââ¬â¢s chosen people. Personal Statement I selected this passage as it seemed to provide insight into epidemiology and nutrition as viewed in the ancient world. My understanding of the book was that it outlined clean and unclean animals so as to prevent Jews from being exposed to infectious disease or harmful creatures. The concept of a God becoming involved in activities so daily and mundane as eating interested me greatly. I assumed that given the length and descriptiveness of the laws, there was extreme weight placed on the content of the chapter. As I continued to read, I was greatly intrigued by the specific animals chosen to be clean, and the process by which Jews needed to purify themselves. Animals which we know today to be carriers of diseases were deemed by the chapter to be clean, and some animals eaten by many today were deemed unclean. I wondered, then, if there was another underlying basis for the distinction of these animals, and so sought both modern and traditional interpretations of the text. The traditional and modernShow MoreRelatedThe Nigerian Stock Market and Its Impact on the Economy9899 Words à |à 40 Pagesof efficient capital market. Underdevelopment, according to Egonmwan and Ibodje (2001), is usually measured in terms of poverty, the physical manifestation of which are hunger and starvation, poor housing, clothing, infrastructure and poorest of health. Fakiyesi, O.M. in his paper also said that the poor in Nigeria have limited access to savings and credit facilities, good roads, pipe borne water, innovative technology and low output markets. They are predominantly in subsistence agriculture andRead MoreMy Phone Thesis16066 Words à |à 65 Pagesfirst mobile phone provider with customized application and content tagged as ââ¬Å"Anguillan Phoneâ⬠. The edge of this new product line is that it has the CustomizeU software with customized applications like Anguillan jokes, quotations, recipes and daily bible readings are installed on the gadgets for the target marketââ¬â¢s delight. The media that will be used is the TRIMP media which consists of TV, radio, internet, mobile and print advertising. My|Phone that is based in Anguilla, will be marketed directlyRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words à |à 99 Pages â⬠¢ Citizen Journalism offers us multiple perspectives â⬠¢ Structure of printed page classifies information for the reader according to subject matter and importance â⬠¢ Massive amount of (mostly irrelevant) information online, newspaper supply balanced amount of information Mainstream + New: Take advantage of the Internet AND integration â⬠¢ E.g. STOMP, newspaper readers invited to post news and pictures that they have uncovered, every week myPaper has a column specifically dedicated to STOMP
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